Specialties and Expertise

We work on what you want to work on.

I especially enjoy working with clients in the following areas:

  • Therapy for BIPOC folks

    As a person of color, exploring your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and personal story in therapy can be a risk. May be it goes against your cultural or family norms, or may be you’ve had bad experiences with white therapists.

    As a therapist of color, I bring my lived experience to our work together. While I may not share your specific racial or ethnic identities, I will respect and affirm your experiences while holding space for you to explore.

  • Gender Affirming Care

    I support LGBTQ+ clients in their journey around sexual and gender identity, internalized homophobia or transphobia, and living in a system that regularly causes harm and can lead to grief, anger, depression and a host of other symptoms.

    Support includes: exploration around gender identity, navigating sexual expression and joy, preparation for gender affirming surgery, and post-operative integration and connection.

  • Anxiety

    Anxiety happens when we over-estimate risks and under-estimate our ability to deal with them.

    Anxiety is normal, how do we learn to right size it and live with it? We’ll explore anxiety, identify what works in being with your anxiety, strengthen skills for coping with anxiety, explore your neurobiology—with curiosity and may be some laughter along the way.

  • Grief/Loss

    So many of the losses we face are unrecognized in today’s world. Loss doesn’t just happen when someone dies; it happens when a friendship ends, when we move, change jobs, face an unexpected illness or injury, or a long held dream has to change.

    Therapy can help make space for these losses, letting us process, be with, and mourn.

  • Parenting

    What used to work suddenly stops, tweens start exploring boundaries, and teens struggle for independence. Adapting our parenting to meet the evolving needs of our kids is hard!

    Therapy can be a space to process parenting, learn new skills, understand child development, and explore your own patterns and beliefs about parenting.

  • Becoming

    Do you feel like the person you are inside isn’t quite the person who shows up in the outside world?

    I love helping clients close the distance—finding ways to accept themselves, living more authentically and aligned with their values, and being able to more fully be themselves with friends, family, and colleagues.

Find your own way.

With some help.